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Covid 19 relief

Italians Feed America is working everyday with others organizations and authorities to fight the Covid 19 crisis and its damages.  

One of our priority is to provide food to the people touched by this outbreak.  Our organization is distributing the food collected from our donators to Pantries, Soup Kitchen, School District and other network.


FEEDING CHILDREN is a Priority, visit our NEED FOOD page or contact us if your are a School District or organization, Click Here


In add, in collaboration with Restaurants Coalitions, AICNY and other organizations, we follow the movement #ChefsForAmerica ( of Jose Andres helping the restaurants going back to work offering services and fresh free meals to the communities and providing meals to our Frontline & Healthcare Workers.


If you would like to join us please our Chefs & Restaurants page


If you would like to Feed Frontline & Healthcare Workers with a Donation buying them meals, go on the page Feed Frontline Workers


If you are a Donator, please visit our Donate page to give money or food

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